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My name’s Kevin Chant and I’m a Data Engineering Manager. Originally from the UK and currently living in the Netherlands.

I am currently a Data Platform Microsoft MVP awarded in the Microsoft Fabric technology area. Feel free to view my public MVP public profile under Kevin Chant. Plus, I am a Microsoft Certified Trainer.

I’ve worked in the IT sector since the days of Windows 95 and over the years I have supported various Data Platforms for companies in various sectors. Including companies that are in the Fortune 500 list.

I have a lot of experience working with the Microsoft Data Platform. Including many years experience with SQL Server and more recently services like Azure Synapse Analytics and Microsoft Fabric.

In addition, I have experience with other technologies as well. Like Azure DevOps and Hadoop. Plus, areas including compliancy and automation. Which is why you will find a lot of posts on here relating to both Data Platform and Developer Technologies.

Over time I have gained a reputation for making significant system and process improvements where required. Plus, I am known for my DevOps knowledge within the Data Platform community. Appearing in three Azure Synapse and MVP series videos.

More recently, I have been involved with Microsoft Fabric. To the extent that trained others to pass the DP-600 exam.

I have gained a fair few Microsoft certifications over the years. Furthermore, I was probably the last ever person in the world to gain the MCSD Azure Architect certification. Which took some effort.

Knowledge sharing

I have shared knowledge in various ways over the years. Because I am passionate in helping others. Which is one of the reasons I created this website. I also share a variety of CI/CD templates on my GitHub page for the same reason.

I am a big believer in the Microsoft community as well. Which is why I have been involved in events around Europe in various ways.

Including being involved in the first ever SQL Saturday in the UK many years ago. Plus, I am one of the organizers of the DataWeekender conference and I am also one of the organizers of the new Dutch Fabric User Group.

You can also see what I have done over the years on LinkedIn. Where you can find me using the user friendly URL of Kevin-Chant.

Kevin Chant outside of technology

Of course, there’s a lot more to me than that. For example, I once took part in Prudential RideLondon for Team MacMillan. To raise money for a very good cause.

I now intend to post in one single place to benefit others and to keep everything centralized.

All views expressed in this blog are purely my own and not my employer or any other entities. Please do not reproduce the content for your own material unless you gain my permission first.

If you do use my material elsewhere, I kindly request that you please give me credit for it.

Kevin Chant

Kevin Chant
Kevin Chant