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Warm up for the DP-700 exam with Microsoft Fabric Applied Skills

Reading Time: 3 minutes

In this post I want to cover how you can warm up for the DP-700 exam with Microsoft Fabric Applied Skills.

Warm up for the DP-700 exam with Microsoft Fabric Applied Skills

To be more specific, the three Applied Skills shown in the previous image. Which are related to the three main Microsoft Fabric workloads covered by the exam:

In reality, I cover this in my updated checklist for the DP-700 exam. However, I want to focus a bit more on this topic in this post to highlight some key facts. Plus, to help others think about how they approach the exam. Along the way I share plenty of links.

About Microsoft Applied Skills

To clarify, Microsoft Applied Skills were introduced by Microsoft towards the end of 2023. Their aim is to validate that you have targeted skills in a certain area.

Applied Skills are official Microsoft Learn credentials. Which means that when you pass an online assessment that Applied Skill is added to your Microsoft Learn profile. Plus, your Microsoft Learn transcript.

You can read more details the concept of Applied Skills in the Microsoft announcement about Applied Skills.

Warm up for the DP-700 exam with applied skills

Anybody who does sports will tell you that warming up is essential when preparing to perform an activity.

In my opinion, the same applies when looking to take an exam. Which is why I think that doing these Applied Skills is a perfect warm up exercise for the DP-700 exam. Because it gets you into the practice of studying the required material for the exam.

Like in the below example. Which shows the recommended Microsoft Learn material to prepare for the Lakehouse Applied Skill.

Recommended Learn material for the Lakehouse Applied Skill
Recommended Learn material for the Lakehouse Applied Skill

One key point I want to highlight is that the recommended learning path for this Applied Skill is also a recommended one for the DP-700 exam. Which highlights the fact that preparing for the Applied Skills helps you prepare for the exam.

One question I see online every now and again is if you can take the exam without working hands-on with Microsoft Fabric.

To clarify, there are various ways you can create your own Microsoft Fabric environment for testing purposes. However, one other key point I want to highlight relating to this post is that you get hands-on experience when you do the assessment.

You can start taking an assessment by clicking the “Take Assessment” button on the relevant exam skills page. Once you click this button you will be taken to an interactive lab. In which you are given two hours to complete the assessment.

Passing any of these assessment will help validate your knowledge in their targeted area. Plus, help you feel more confident about taking the exam itself.

It is worth noting that now and again the environment that hosts the interactive lab undergoes maintenance. However, whilst you are waiting you can still do the recommended learning path.

Advice about the Microsoft Applied Skills

Going through the Microsoft Learn material is great. However, I do recommend that you compliment the recommended Microsoft Learn learning paths with other material.

For instance, for the Real-Time Intelligence Applied Skill I highly recommend watching the video that covers creating Accessible Ops Data with Real-Time Intelligence in Fabric.

Final words

I hope this post on how to warm up for the DP-700 exam with Microsoft Fabric Applied Skills provides food for though.

I want to help people mentally prepare for the exam. Because I feel that is just as important as sharing deep technical posts relating to the exam. Like my post that covers database projects.

Of course, if you have any comments or queries relating to this post feel free to reach out to me.

Published inDP-700Microsoft Fabric

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