I want to share my experience of speaking in Germany last week in this post. Since it truly had a profound effect on me.
To manage expectations, this is a rare personal post from me instead of a deep technical one. It is about my experience about speaking in Germany and includes a bit about DataWeekender towards the end.
Speaking in Germany
Prior to this year I had not spoke in Germany since 2018. However, in June this year I spoke there again at Data Saturday Rheinland.
Because I was made to feel welcomed there I was looking forward to presenting at both SQL Konferenz and Data Moshpit in the same week.

I must admit there were other reasons why I was looking forward to presenting at these events. Including the fact that it was my first time presenting at SQL Konferenz. Plus, I would be presenting at Data Moshpit on a very special day for me.
Which is why I made sure I could make the experience great for the attendees at both events. By making sure that both of my sessions contained rich demos.
In fact, I discovered about the new target platform in Azure Data Studio just before my “KevOps for analytic solutions within the Microsoft Intelligent Data Platform” session at SQL Konferenz.
So, I decided to add that demo about it to my session as an exclusive at SQL Konferenz. In addition, I also showed it again at Data Moshpit.
In fact, I showed these demos before publishing my post this week on how you can share a Microsoft Fabric Data Warehouse Database Project with the new target platform.
Which highlights one very good reason why it is good to attend sessions at events like these. Because a lot of us speakers who are thorough tend to share new demos at events first before publishing posts about them.
It was really good to network and catch-up with so many people in Germany. I really enjoy talking to other members of the Data Platform community and got to meet a lot of great individuals for the first time. Such as Elena Drakulevska (l/t)
Plus, I had some very productive conversations with a lot of people there as well. Including some really interesting technical conversations.
Another reason I really enjoyed it is because I got to speak to some people that I had not spoken with since my involvement with SQL Saturdays back in the UK.
In fact, because the weather in Germany was exceptionally nice it led to a conversation about the time that I ended up wearing the below outfit during a UK SQL Saturday years ago. Something one Irish MVP always remembers me for.

Two significant moments
Now, there are two significant moments in Germany that put a big smile on my face.
Firstly, those of you who follow me on social media will know that I have had my eye on a Microsoft Fabric hoodie for some time. As mentioned in several posts including this one. So, I was very pleased to finally get my hands on one at SQL Konferenz.

Again, this highlights another good reason to go to conferences like this. Because you can get swag or prizes that you really want.
Second moment was a bit more emotional for me. Due to the fact that I had decided to speak at Data Moshpit on a very special day for me to make the experience unique.
After some previous comments I kind of suspected that somebody was going to happen on the day. However, I did not expect an amazing cake plus a full crowd participation whilst the band was playing happy birthday to me.

I was truly overwhelmed by what happened at Data Moshpit, and I still am when I think about it one week later. Because I was really surprised and emoptional about it.
I am extremely grateful to all who were involved with this. Especially the organizers Frank Geisler, Ben Kettner and “Ozzy”. Who in no way at all will I reveal is Mike Wall.
As far as I am concerned, it is things like this that show just how great our Data Platform community really is. After last weeks experience, I am really looking forward to going back to Germany again in the future.
DataWeekender v6.5
Talking about the amazing Data Platform community, just a reminder that DataWeekender 6.5 call for speakers closes in seven days. Like I mentioned before in a previous post, we post a tree for every session submitted.
One personal request on my part is that I would really like to see more sessions from women speakers.
DataWeekender has a long-standing tradition of having a well-balanced schedule and us organizers want to see it again this time around as well.
For those who are not aware, DataWeekender is an online Data Platform conference that I am one of the organizers for.
It will take place on Saturday November 4. Which means that some of you will have something to do indoors whilst the weather is not great. Plus, watch a lot of amazing people present remotely of course.
You can register to attend DataWeekender either through this DataWeekender 6.5 Meetup link or by clicking on the below logo.

By the way do you notice anything new about the DataWeekender logo? That is right it has been fabricized with a Microsoft Fabric logo.
Final words about speaking in Germany last week
Anyway, I hope this personal post about me speaking in Germany last weeks encourages more of you to attend conferences in Germany. Because last week was an amazing experience for me.
I have so many people to thank for last week Especially all those involved with what happened at Data Moshpit. Including the band.
Of course, if you have any comments or queries about this post feel free to reach out to me.
Very enjoyable and uplifting blog post, Kevin. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks Kevin