In this post I want to cover my route to passing the DP-500 exam again. Since I passed the exam over the weekend for a second time.
Writing my experience gives me a chance to provide some updated information relating to this certification.
Plus, share a bit of advice for those who have additional software installed to control webcam backgrounds. Since I encountered an interesting issue.
Note that since this post was first published Microsoft have announced that they are going to retire the DP-500 exam on the exam page. It will be replaced by the DP-600 exam which focuses on Microsoft Fabric.

You can read more about the retirement announcement in the Microsoft post about in-demand news for in-demand skills.
Passing the DP-500 exam again
Just to quickly recap, the DP-500 exam focuses mostly on Microsoft Purview, Azure Synapse Analytics and Power BI.
I passed the beta version of the DP-500 exam some time ago which I covered in a previous post. However, I did not do the online certification renewal a while back because I had a number of commitments before my vacation a while back.
Which included multiple speaking engagements about different topics. Plus, I had a number of other exam renewals that I was due to do, which meant that I had to make a judgement call about which renewals to take.
Luckily, I was still able to do the majority of them before my vacation and decided to retake the DP-500 exam upon my return.
Which I was happy to do, because it gave me an excuse to go through the updated Microsoft Learn material for it. Since I had originally done the recommended material for the beta exam.
Because I had already gone through a lot of the material in the past, I opted for a slightly different approach this time around. I decided to go through the recommended Microsoft Learn documentation and the official practice tests by MeasureUp.
From there, I went to on to pass the exam and regain the Azure Enterprise Data Analyst certification.

Updated information relating to the DP-500 exam
I want to highlight some updates for this exam that have taken place since my other posts about certifications that I published earlier in the year. Including my post about recommended certifications for Power BI enthusiasts.
For a start, you can now view all the study guides for the exams in a nice format. For example, if you go to the study guide for the DP-500 exam the flow of the site has changed. Plus, you can select the study guides other exams easier now.
Another key point that I want to highlight about this exam is that the English version of it is due to change on August 24, 2023.
At a glance it looks like it is only minor changes. To be honest, I did wonder if Microsoft Fabric was going to be mentioned amongst the changes but no references to it as of yet.
Online exam advice
Recently, I installed some software to control the background of my webcam through all the different mediums. So that I could have a unified background across all the different applications that I use for meetings and presentations.
I encountered an issue due to this application which could have prevented me from taking the exam online. I tried to fix the issue by changing the settings and closing the application completely. Eventually I uninstalled the application which resolved the issue immediately.
Maybe there is a more graceful way to resolve the issue, but time was of the essence. Bear this in mind if you intend to do an online exam.
Final words
I hope that me sharing my experience about passing the DP-500 exam again helps some of you. Especially as far as the recent updates and the webcam issue are concerned.
Personally, I am really glad that I passed it again so soon after it expired.
Of course, if you have any comments or queries about this post feel free to reach out to me.
[…] in my last post I covered the fact that I passed the DP-500 exam again. So now is as good as time as any to post my […]
What does exam retirement really means? since DP 500 will be retiring on April 2024 are we not able to renew the certification for this? will the skill no longer be valid if the exam is retired that means the credential will not be valid?
According to the blog post by Microsoft the certification itself will be retired. I suspect that you will be able to renew it before the retirement date and will end afterwards.
However, it might be a good idea to focus on the DP-600 certification instead.