In this post I want to cover CI/CD for serverless SQL Pools resources that I have either created or been a part of. For one very good reason.
Last week the January 2023 video of the Azure Synapse Analytics and Microsoft MVP series was released. Where I covered how to do CI/CD for dedicated SQL Pools in Azure Synapse Analytics.
Since the release of that video the most popular question raised has been how to perform CI/CD for serverless SQL Pools within Azure Synapse Analytics?
By the end of this post, you will know plenty of CI/CD for serverless SQL Pools resources. In addition, I mention the Data Toboggan conference. Plus, this post contains plenty of links.
CI/CD for serverless SQL Pools using Azure DevOps
My first post relating to this covered performing CI/CD for serverless SQL pools using Azure DevOps. This is the first post where I go into detail about using the dbops PowerShell module with Azure DevOps.
Which included the below YAML pipeline that deployed to two separate serverless SQL Pools in two different workspaces.

I did some follow-up posts after this one.
For instance, last year I did a post which introduced the dbops PowerShell module for Azure DevOps deployments. As part of the community tools awareness month, which was an initiative suggested by Brent Ozar. That post contains additional advice about variable groups.
I also created a public repository that is available in GitHub that you can use as a template to perform CI/CD in Azure DevOps. It is called AzureDevOps-SynapseServerlessSQLPool. Which anybody can download from GitHub and use.
I have added updates to it over time as well. For example, it now contains a Wiki to help others get started with the repository. Which you can access by clicking on the Wiki tab in the repository.

On the right-hand side of the Wiki, you can select pages about different topics.

Feel free to give the repository a star in GitHub if it proves to be useful.
CI/CD for serverless SQL Pools using GitHub
I did another post that covered how to perform CI/CD for serverless SQL pools using GitHub Actions.
In that post I also showed how to add sensitive information as secrets. Since then I have published another post that shows various ways that you can keep your Azure Synapse secrets secret in GitHub.
I have also made available a repository that you can use as a template to perform CI/CD for serverless SQL Pools using GitHub Actions as well. It is called GitHub-SynapseServerlessSQLPool.
This repository also has a populated Wiki.

As you can see, in the Wiki for this repository I cover environment settings in GitHub. Which tends to be a very common question I get in GitHub sessions. Usually just as I am about to cover them. At least it shows that the sessions I do with Sander Stad (l/t) have a logical flow.
CI/CD for serverless SQL Pools videos
Now, the most recent video I did relating to CI/CD for serverless SQL Pools was for the November 2022 edition of the Azure Synapse Analytics and Microsoft MVP series. Where I covered using CI/CD for Serverless SQL Pools in Azure Synapse Analytics.
Which includes a demo of a pipeline in action.
However, I also covered items relating to doing this before in my KevOps for Azure Synapse Analytics session at a Data Toboggan.
On that note, Data Toboggan is taking place online again on Saturday January 28th. As you can see on the agenda there are lots of great sessions taking place. Including one by myself. Feel free to register and attend remotely.
Final words
I hope this post covering CI/CD for serverless SQL Pools resources helps some of you. Since it has been a popular question over the last week.
Of course, if you have any comments or queries about this post feel free to reach out to me.
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