In this post I want to cover a Data Toboggan and the DP-500 exam connection. Because I find it a nice coincidence and I want to promote the DP-500 exam.
Just so everybody is aware, the DP-500 exam is a new Microsoft beta exam. Its full name is ‘Exam DP-500: Designing and Implementing Enterprise-Scale Analytics Solutions Using Microsoft Azure and Microsoft Power BI (beta)‘. It will be available from April 19.
If you pass the exam you will gain a new Microsoft certification called ‘Microsoft Certified: Azure Enterprise Data Analyst Associate‘. You can read more about it in a post by Microsoft called ‘Coming soon: The new Azure Enterprise Data Analyst Associate certification‘.
The Data Toboggan connection
At the start of my ‘KevOps for Azure Synapse Analytics‘ session at Data Toboggan I explained why I decided to present my session using Power BI. As you can see below.
One of those reasons was due to the fact that a lot of people who work with Azure Synapse Analytics tend to work with Power BI. Something that I also mentioned in my blog post ‘Power BI instead of slides again for Data Toboggan‘.
Which is why a big smile appeared on my face when I first read about the DP-500 exam and this connection sprung to mind.
Because a lot of knowledge about Azure Synapse Analytics and Power BI is required for this exam. Along with knowledge about some other services that can be used alongside them. For example, Microsoft Purview.
Promote DP-500 exam
I decided to write about the DP-500 exam connection to promote the exam and the new ‘Azure Enterprise Data Analyst Associate’ certification. Plus, I wanted to highlight the fact that a lot of people were using these two services together before this exam was announced.
In reality, I am a big fan of certifications for various reasons. For instance, I think they help formalize knowledge. In fact, I gained a new Microsoft certification recently by passing the DP-900 exam. I did this one to help encourage others whom I am now coaching.
I think the DP-500 exam has a lot to offer people. Mostly due to the fact that a lot more companies are adopting enterprise-scale analytics solutions in Azure that includes services that this exam covers. So that they have a complete analytics solution in-place.
Like in the below diagram which is a very high-level example of how these services can work together.

Bear in mind that this diagram is only a high-level overview of how these services can be used together. Anybody who has worked with these services in-depth will tell you that these services can do a lot more with the data.
For example, various features in Azure Synapse Analytics can be used to perform machine learning or transform data. In addition, Power BI can do a lot more with the data.
Since a lot of enterprises are looking to use Azure services this way taking this exam can help your career in the future.
Another key point to remember is that it is becoming more common for companies to make having certain certifications a requirement to work in their environment. Which I can fully understand considering the number of high-profile incidents over the years.
DP-500 exam advice
My advice is to go through the recommended material for this exam at the very least. If you decide to do the exam you it might be a good idea to gain a couple of other certifications first.
Specifically the Azure Data Fundamentals and the Power BI Data Analyst Associate certifications. Since they are both have connections to the DP-500 exam.
Fellow MVP Andy Cutler has done a breakdown of the skills measured for the DP-500 exam in a video. You can watch his ‘New Microsoft Certification: Azure Enterprise Data Analyst Associate DP-500‘ video on YouTube.
Andy intends to cover more about this exam on his Datahai BI YouTube channel. In addition, expect some posts to appear on his website using the DP-500 tag.
In addition, Power BI expert and fellow MVP Nikola Ilic has started writing posts about the DP-500 exam as well. You can find the posts in a category on his website called ‘Mastering DP-500′ or his new web page especially for the DP-500 exam called DP-500 Certification.
I strongly recommend keeping an eye on both Andys and Nikolas resources if you are thinking about doing this exam. Because they have a lot of knowledge about these services.
In addition, you can download a free ebook on the Microsoft site called Limitless Analytics with Azure Synapse. It was written a while back so some of the material has changed. However, it still covers relevant topics for the exam.
Of course, you are more than welcome to view my Azure Synapse posts for some relevant content as well. Including my nifty Power BI fix in Synapse Studio.
DP-500 video
Andy and Nikola co-presented a session at DataWeekender CU5 called “The Essential Guide to the new Azure Enterprise Data Analyst Associate Certification“. Due to popular demand the session was recorded.
It is now available to watch on YouTube. You can view it by clicking on the link in the session name or on the image below.
Final words about Data Toboggan and the DP-500 exam connection
I really hope this post about Data Toboggan and the DP-500 exam connection is useful to a lot of you. In reality, I wrote about this because I really want to encourage others to do this exam.
Especially those of you with Azure Synapse Analytics and/or Power BI experience. Of course, those of you with a background elsewhere might want to step up to the challenge as well. Because I see a lot of merit in doing this exam.
If you have already looked into this exam, please feel free to share your thoughts about it with a comment. As always, if you have any other queries or comments about this post feel free to reach out to me.
[…] keen to have a session relating to the new DP-500 Microsoft exam. Which I covered in my ‘Data Toboggan and the DP-500 exam connection‘ […]
[…] Secondly, because a lot of people who work with Azure Synapse Analytics tend to work with Power BI so there is a crossover between the Azure Data Engineer and the Power BI Data Analyst certifications. I mentioned this in my post about the DP-500 exam. […]
[…] Finally, Andy Cutler (l/t) and Nikola Ilic (l/t) are co-presenting about the new Enterprise Data Analyst Associate certification. Which will cover the new DP-500 exam that is proving to be very popular. Which I talked about in a previous post. […]
[…] My route to passing the DP-500 is a slightly different than the advice I provided in my post about Data Toboggan and the DP-500 exam connection. […]