In this post I want to cover the fact that the DP-203 Azure Data Engineering exam is now GA (Generally Available). Because I know a lot of people have been waiting for this to happen.
Basically, you can now do this exam and find out straight away if you have passed or not.
I found this out after some feedback about my post about gaining the Azure Data Engineer certification. Which you can read about in detail here.
One day the website said it was still in beta, and then the next day the beta text was gone. You can see for yourself on the certification page here.
Glad DP-203 exam is now GA
I’m glad it’s finally out of beta. Because it means that more people will study for it based on the new material.
Which you can view yourself by going to the exam page here and downloading the skills outline.
In addition, you can scroll down towards the bottom of the page and view the Microsoft Learn learning paths that are available. Alternatively, you can go directly to Microsoft Learn here and filter for all the Data Engineering learning paths by product.
You can go through these modules at your own pace and are a great study aid.
Personally, if I am doing them for a certification, I tend to go through the ones on the exam page first. Afterwards, I look for any additional modules or learning paths I need in Microsoft Learn.
I did cover that in another post about how to make the most out of certification pages for Azure exams here. Plus, some time ago I did a post about Azure and SQL Server exam tips here.
However, since I have been asked a lot for tips since gaining the Azure Data Engineer certification, I thought I better mention them again. Of course, you can always reach out to me if you have further questions.
Azure Data Engineering exam journey
Studying for this certification can be a great journey. Because you learn new Azure Data Engineer content regardless of what level of experience you have with various services. Due to the variety of services it covers.
I loved the variety and the number of new things I learned about some of the services involved. Something tells me others will be just as excited when they start going through them.
Especially those with a SQL Server background when they realize they can use some of their existing skills with some of these services. For example, when working with Azure Stream Analytics or Azure Synapse Analytics.
Plus, it can be an eye-opener for those of you who are completely new to any of these services.
It’s one of the reasons I’m glad there are so many great Azure Data Engineering sessions at the next DataWeekender conference. Like the Azure Data Factory sessions by David Alzamendi and Alpa Buddhabhatti. Plus, the Delta Lake session by Mohit Batra that has a detailed abstract. Of course, there are great sessions in other areas as well.
Final word about DP-203 exam
I hope this post about the fact that the DP-203 Azure Data Engineering exam is now GA has got some of you excited. Especially since you now have to only pass one exam to gain this certification instead of two.
If you are still looking to do the old DP-200 and DP-201 exams instead you better hurry up. Because they retire on July 31.
As always, if you have any questions or comments about this post feel free to reach out to me.

[…] Because this happened, I now keep an eye on the certification pages about exams a lot more in case they change. Like the DP-203 Azure Data Engineering exam that went GA last week, which I posted about here. […]