In this post I want to cover some things other than a DataWeekender review. Because I am going to save that for my next T-SQL Tuesday contribution.
Which this month is being hosted by Glenn Berry. He’s inviting everybody to write what we have done in response to COVID-19. Which you can read about in detail here.
With this in mind, I have decided to postpone that post deliberately for the next T-SQL Tuesday.
If you have done anything at all in response to COVID-19 I highly recommend you contribute to T-SQL Tuesday next week as well. Because as well as showing your efforts it will also help encourage others to contribute.
In addition, if you are going to mention DataWeekender you are more than welcome to use the relevant event badge as well.
However, instead of waiting a week I will take the time to say a massive thank you to everybody who made Data Community Weekender Europe (aka DataWeekender) possible. I know I speak on behalf of all the organization team when I say this.
For those of you on Twitter, I did send a Tweet out which names all our moderators as below.
Other things
Now that the event is other I will go back to focusing on other things again outside of work. Which will probably include spending time with my wife, revising for certifications and other technical things.
Of course, I want to continue blogging as well. Especially since there are some important updates to some of my older posts I want to cover now I have some more time again.
For example, some updates about SQL Server on Linux and Azure Stack.
Will it be in that order, who knows? I certainly hope so for now until the social isolation is over because I have a couple of certifications I want to achieve now that DataWeekender has taken place.
On a side note, a big congratulations on the dbatools team. Because they have received $10,000 from the DevOps Collective and as part of their Git-Grant program. You can watch the interview with Chrissy LeMaire in detail here.
Final word
I hope you understand why I wanted to cover some things other than a DataWeekender review in this post.
Of course, if you attended Data Community Weekender Europe you are more than welcome to comment about it here.
However, I will be waiting for next weeks T-SQL Tuesday and I suspect I will not be the only one talking about DataWeekender

Thanks for the mention. I am looking forward to see what you write about for #tsql2sday!