In this post I cover finding SQL Server versions for Docker and Linux using a web browser.
Mostly because the other day somebody asked where the latest version of the SQL Server 2019 release candidate was.
Of course, they asked this because the links were not working yet. Something which I have provided feedback to Microsoft about and discussed in my previous post here.
I’m sure this will be resolved shortly. In the meantime, you can either use the command line to find the latest versions or use this method instead.
In reality, if you just want to do an installation of the latest version you can usually get away with just specifying that you want the latest version. Providing of course you know the right syntax.
However, I do understand that it can be an issue, so I have decided to do this quick guide for you all.
I thought I would cover Docker first because this was what the person was looking for.
Finding the latest version of a docker image is simple once you know where to look. For instance, to find the latest versions for the Ubuntu based images follow the below steps.
- First go to the official Microsoft images for SQL Server page here.
- Scroll down until you see a link you can click on to view the available tags for images, which can currently be found here.
- Look for the latest one that applies to you, for example “2019-latest”.
- Finally, use what is inside of the quotes at the end of the command to run your container image. For example, ‘’.
For Linux the process varies depending on what Linux distribution you use.
Red Hat Enterprise Linux/CentOS
For Red Hat Enterprise Linux, or CentOS if you are using that instead, the process is below.
- First go to the location the repo file is stored, which is currently here.
- Download the repo file and open it in notepad.
- Afterwards copy the URL where the files are stored, leaving the enabled option out after the final slash. Currently that can be found here.
- Look for latest versions in the filename, which usually has the highest number and the timestamp next to it. For example, file ‘mssql-server-15.0.1900.25-1.x86_64.rpm’ with the timestamp ’21-Aug-2019 14:24′.
To find the latest version of SQL Server available on Linux for SLES the concept is the same as the above process for Red Hat Enterprise Linux.
For Ubuntu the process is slightly different.
- First navigate to the Microsoft SQL Server Ubuntu repository, which is currently here.
- Next download the list file that is listed.
- Open the list file in notepad and copy the URL specified in that list file, which is currently here.
- Afterwards, navigate around the folder structure to find the version that you need. For example, the SQL Server database engine files can currently be found here.
One thing I like about the Microsoft SQL Server Ubuntu repository is that the files are separated by feature, so they are easier to find.
For example, because the files for the various versions of the database engine are all in one place it is easy to locate the latest version. Currently this is file ‘mssql-server_15.0.1900.25-1_amd64.deb’ with a timestamp of ’21-Aug-2019 14:07′.
Final word
In truth, you can usually find the latest versions by using the command line. Especially if you know your way around the commands for Docker or your Linux installation method.
However, I do understand that sometimes there is a need for an alternative way sometimes. Which is why I have created this guide for finding SQL Server versions for Docker and Linux.
I hope this alternative method is of use to some of you. Of course, you are more than welcome to add any other tips you have as a comment.

Nice to see options to install sqlserver with os flavours with dockers.
[…] Open up one of my old posts which explains how to find the list of all the current docker images for SQL Server. Which you can read in detail here. […]
[…] Just a reminder that if you want to find a certain Docker image for SQL Server on Linux, I posted a guide for it a while ago. Which you can read in detail here. […]